Unser team

Wir stellen vor: Die kreativen Köpfe hinter der Marke!

Max Engel - Founder of pangu the sustainable streetwear brand

Maximilian Engel


Max Roettle - Co-Founder of pangu the sustainable streetwear brand

Maximilian RöTTLE


Lisa Bialluch - Marketing & Social Media Specialist at pangu the sustainable streetwear brand

Lisa bialluch

Marketing Specialist

Lisa Bialluch - Marketing & Social Media Specialist at pangu the sustainable streetwear brand

Alessia Nebauer

Content Creator

Max Engel - Founder of pangu the sustainable streetwear brand

Leo röttle

Werkstudent im Lager

Max Roettle - Co-Founder of pangu the sustainable streetwear brand


Werkstudentin im Marketing

Lisa Bialluch - Marketing & Social Media Specialist at pangu the sustainable streetwear brand

anna Schimitzek

Influencer Specialist


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Unser Blog


Über Max, Max & den Pinguin.

Founder Story


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